September 24, 2023
from: 这里 location / { # First attempt to serve request as file, then # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404. try_files $uri $uri/ =404; } location /test_vul_id_1000003 { alias /home/test_vul_id_1000003; autoindex on; } location /test_vul_id_1000003 { root /home; autoindex on; } 非以上配置访问404原因 # location /test_vul_id_1000003 { root /home/test_vul_id_1000003; autoindex on; } 如以上配置, nginx 配置文件会将 root 加上 以上的 localtion , 导致访问时实际定位是 /home/test_vul_id_1000003/test_vul_id_1000003 所以就 404 了 生效命令 # nginx -t nginx -s reload service nginx restart